Table of Contents

Feng Office Configuration

On the Administration Panel, you have a Configurations option.

See here to learn how to access the Administration Panel.

Once you click on the Configuration option, you will be presented with the following sections:

The configuration section consists of the following subsections:

General Settings

The general settings apply to all users.

Mailing Settings

The mailing settings let you control how Feng Office is sending notification mails. These seetings are global as well. (Don't mix up these mailing seetings with the settings for individual e-mail accounts.)

Options in the mailing settings:

Module Settings

In this subsection you can enable or disable each Feng Office module.

PLEASE NOTE: Disabling a module only hides it from the graphical interface. It doesn't remove permissions from users to create or edit content objects.

PLEASE NOTE: Disabling a module will hide any corresponding dashboard widget automatically.

Password Settings

In this subsection - introduced in Feng Office 1.4 - you can define the requirements for valid passwords chosen by the users and control some other security related features.