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Organizing & Classifying Information

When an object (a task, note, document, event, etc.) is classified somewhere - be it a Project, Client, Workspace, etc. - only the users who count with access to this area will be able to access the information. Otherwise, the object will remain hidden.

Lets say an object is classified within two different Projects, then if a user counts with permissions to at least one of them, he will be able to access the object in question.

On the other hand, please bear in mind that in case an object is classified within two different places from different Dimensions, i.e.: classified within one Project and also within one Workspace, then the user should have access permissions to both of them in order to access the object in question.

Lets have a look at the different ways of classifying information:

This is the fastest and easiest way of them all.

Lets say you have a Client named 27 Bar and two Projects within called Move your soul and Nights that last 24/7, and you would like to copy or move some documents from Move your soul to Nights that last 24/7.

1- First thing you have to make, is select Move your soul so that you can see the documents related to this Project:

2- Then, you have to select the document you would like to move

3- Now place the mouse on top of the document, as shown below, and then click (and hold)

4- Holding your mouse, move it to the Project named Night that stands 24/7 (or anywhere else), and release the mouse click.

5- After releasing the mouse click, the system may ask you - depending on the context - the following question: Do you want to maintain the current associations of this object with Clients & Projects?

  1. Click OK to make a copy of the document
  2. Click Cancel if you want to move the document from one Project to another

After you are done, you may notice that now the document has been classified within both Projects:

In case you would like to do the same for many documents at the same time, you can quickly select them all as shown below, and then dragging and dropping as explained before:

On the other hand, if you would like to declassify information, you need to drop the selected objects into the View all section.

Note: This feature is currently available for everything but tasks. Tasks count with a different classification method.

Another way to reclassify information, is doing it by the object (Note, Task, Document, Event, Email, etc.) edition.

When you access an object, you will see to what is it Related to. This can be found below its description, as shown here:

You should click on Edit on the Actions list on your right if you wish to edit the properties of the object.

Where it says Related to, you will be able to select a new place where to classify the object in question. In the example below we can notice it is only classified in Move your soul project, which is within 27 Bar.

Lets suppose we want it to be also classified within the client named UR Art Gallery, then we would just have to start typing the already existent client name, and the area will be autocompleted to select it.

Once we select it, it will look like this:

If we click on Remove, the object will no longer be classified there.

After selecting where will be the objects at, we just have to press Save changes on the top. Now the object will look like this - look at the Related to -:

Tasks count with their own Drag & Drop classification feature, which is slightly different form the one explained above.

These options will let you change the following:

  1. Change their group
  2. Make them subtasks of other tasks

When accessing the Tasks tab you will be able to filter the information, and also change the grouping option. This is very important as you will be able to reclassify tasks through the different groups, provided that the group you are filtering by allows you so.

In order to re-classify a task using the drag and drop feature, you should click and hold the dots located on the left end of the task:

In the following pictures you will see examples of how the drag and drop feature works with the different grouping options:

1- By Assigned to

2- By Clients and Projects

3- By Workspaces

4- By Start Date

5- By Due Date

6- By Priority

7- By Tags

Besides what we have seen on the previous section, Feng Office also counts with the Drag and Drop feature for classifying tasks into different clients, projects, workspaces and tags. This can be really useful when dealing with a great amount of tasks, since there is no need to enter each task, edit and re-classify it or having to use the grouping options.

For achieving this, you have to select the desired task(s) from the dots of the left end and drag them to their new destination:

If you would like to have a specific email classified somewhere before sending it, you first have to stand on the Client, Project, Folder, Workspace, etc., you would like it to have it at, and then create the email and send it.

To start with, remember that you may set up Email Rules to make things easier here! They do save a lot of time!!

Then, when classifying an email into a Client, Project, Folder, Workspace, etc., if the email has an attachment, and the user configuration option is set up to classify attached documents or the user manually selects this option, the attachments will be classified as documents and will be accessed through the Documents tab.

However, if there already exists a file with the same filename and file extension, it will depend on the file contents:

  1. if the contents are identical (which is done through a hash comparison), the new files will not be classified
  2. if the contents are different, the new files will be added as a new revision of the existing document