====== Automated Status Formulas ====== There are many factors that can alter what we call a **Client Status** or a **Project Status**, and it is very important for every organization to find out which ones are those. First and foremost, being polite and respectful with your clients is very important, but in case there are projects involved, their status are greatly related to the client status, such as if it is on track or it is delayed, if things are being done right or not, etc. Feng Office provided you with the possibility of setting this status manually, or doing it automatically through formulas! Please bear in mind that by default Feng Office **does not** have the formulas set up yet, so if you would like to use them, you have to set them up by yourself. ===== Accessing the formulas ===== - Access the Administration Panel as following: * Click on your name (top right corner) * Select **Settings** - Look for the following icon, and access it {{ :stfr.png}} You will then be shown the following options: {{:status2.png?550}} **Default status formulas for projects:** Here you will be able to set up the default formulas for every project within Feng Office. **Default status formulas for clients:** Here you will be able to set up the default formulas for every client within Feng Office. ===== Adding a new formula ===== After accessing to the default status formulas for a project or a client, you may choose which state to set, as shown below: {{:status3.png?400}} {{:status4.png?400}} Select a status, and click on **Add** on its right. Next, you will be able to set up the conditions for the selected status, in this case **Excellent**: {{:factors.png }} As you may notice, there are 3 different factors to play with and take into account: - **Completeness factor:** Amount of tasks completed over the total amount of tasks. - **Overdue factor:** Amount of tasks that are due over the total amount of tasks. - **Estimation factor:** Amount of Executed time over the Estimated time. It is not compulsory to set up all the factors. If there is any factor you do not want to take into account within the calculation, you just have to disable the checkbox next to the **Disable** option. Please bear in mind all the conditions must be reached, otherwise, the next status to be taken into account is the following and so on, until the factor conditions are matched. After adding the conditions for all the statuses, remember to **Save the changes**. ==== Practical Example ==== Lets have a look at the following example: {{:exampleformula.png }} In this case the factors required for the projects, to be Excellent are: -**Completeness factor:** 85% of the tasks of the project must be completed. This means if there are 50 tasks with a project, more than 42.5 tasks (85% of 50) - or actually more than 43 due to decimals not being taken into account as a whole - must be completed. -**Overdue factor:** Not taken into account. -**Estimation factor:** The executed time (meaning the total time dedicated to the project) must be less than or equal to 80% of the estimated time for the project. This means that if we set up the total estimation time of a project as 100 hours, then it must taken less than 80 hours of actual work. If those conditions are met, then the project will be considered as **Excellent**. ===== Editing an existing formula ===== Just access the formula panel, edit the factors to change the conditions, and save the changes when you are done. ===== Deleting an existing formula ===== If you would like to delete a formula, you would have to access the formulas and select the following option on their top right corner: {{:status7.png}}