====== 自定义登录界面 ====== **IMPORTANT: Each of these edits are hacks. Only customize your login screen if you know what you are doing. Making an error may prevent you from logging into your Feng Office installation afterward!** **IMPORTANT: These modifications will get lost when you upgrade your Feng Office installation! Make sure you add your changes to any new Feng Office files that may have been replaced during an upgrade!** ===== 增加描述到登录界面 ===== The [[Login|login screen]] usually doesn't give users any information about which system they are logging into. To add a text like Welcome to the Green Frog Extranet you have to edit the file ''\feng\application\views\access\login.php'' Usually you add HTML code like the following on the top:

Welcome to the Green Frog Extranet

===== 添加Logo标志到登录界面 ===== The [[Login|login screen]] does not show a logo. If you want to add a logo to the login screen, you should first copy your logo to your Feng Office site. It would be a good idea to create a folder for this, such as \feng\images. Copy your logo into this folder. Next, you can put the reference to the logo file in \application\layouts\dialog.php, in the section with div id="dialog":
Alternatively, you can edit the CSS style in file public/assets/themes/default/stylesheets/dialog.css. ===== 禁用的“忘记密码?”链接 ===== If a user forgets his or her password, there is a "Forgot password?" Link that takes the user to a page that will email their password to a provided email address. If for whatever reason you do not wish to have this feature available on the [[Login|login screen]], it can be removed by editing /application/views/access/login.php: Change the last part from this:
to this:
If you forgot your password, contact the administrator at admin@something.com