====== 订阅对象 ====== 订阅对象意味着,每当在某个对象上新增一条评论,您将收到一条邮件提醒。如果您想关注某一对象或者您只是想跟进某个进行中的讨论,这一功能都是非常方便的。 注意:提醒邮件发送到的目标邮箱是您在您的[[account|用户帐号]]中设置的邮箱。 ===== 订阅和取消订阅 ===== Subscribing and unsubscribing is as simple as clicking a link in the detail view of an object. On the following screenshot you can see an object with currently two other subscribers: {{:subscribers1.jpg|}} To subscribe to this object simple click ''Subscribe''. This changes the subscribers' list to the following one: {{:subscribers2.jpg|}} To unsubscribe, simple click ''Unsubscribe''. ===== 自动订阅 ===== You will realize that you get notification e-mails for every object you have created or commented on //without// having subscribed to it. This is the autosubscription feature of Feng Office that creates a subscription for you. Of course you can unsubscribe at any time if you wish. ===== 可订阅的对象 ===== As said before subscribing is related to comments. Consequently you can only subscribe to objects that allow comments. These are the following: * [[Notes|笔记]] * [[Calendar|事件]] * [[Tasks|里程碑]] * [[Documents|文档]] * [[Tasks|任务]]