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Feng Office既有“用户”,又有“联系人”。两者都与人相关,但有重要的区别。


联系人基本来说就是地址(包含所有联系一个人所需的信息,电话传真号码,或者互联网联系方式)。联系人保存在“联系人Contacts”标签下,对应你的Feng Office系统地址数据库里的内容。


Users用户就是登陆Feng Office的账户(包含邮件地址,用来给用户发送邮件信息)。Feng Office系统管理员在administration panel标签下管理所有用户。用户有特定的权限,这些权限各有不同(更多细节请参考understanding user rights


So users are people who can log into Feng Office, while contacts are people we store information about. But what if we want to store addresses of people who are users as well? For that purpose Feng Office offers the possibility to link one contact record to one user account in special way.

If an administrator creates a new user he has the option to create a new contact as well, that is related to this user. The default setting of this option is yes, and it is a good practice to create a contact for each user in the system from the beginning.

If you have a user that is not linked to a contact you can establish such a relationship at any time. In the detail view of the user simply click the action Create contact with user data.

This works also the other way round: If you have a contact that is not linked to a user you can do so by clicking the action Create user from contact in the detail view of a contact.

If you get the following error message your contact has no company assigned (which is mandatory for users). Simply edit the contact and add a company to solve this issue.

As soon as a contact an a user are linked, you can jump from one record to the other using the actions menu: As you can see in the screenshot below, there is a new action called Go to contact data as soon as there is a corresponding contact record. (This works the other way round as well.)

PLEASE NOTE: At the moment you can only link users and contacts by creating a new record. If you have created a user and a contact independently and want to link them later, the best idea is to create a new contact based on the user and copy the contact information manually.

PLEASE NOTE: Be aware that this method of linking a user to a contact is a unique concept for exactly that purpose. Don't mix it up with the general linking feature of Feng Office (which works for contacts and users as well, but is located under Properties):