Table of Contents


The Expenses Module gives you the ability to:

The view

The toolbar

By filtering your expenses, you define which of them will be visible and which will be hidden.

Adding a new expense

Expense Information:

You can include the following details:

Detail View



In this view, you can also change the status of the payments without the need of editing the whole expense.

How To Enter Actual Expenses. Updated Guide

When working on a project, you'll need to track actual expenses, so they can be properly billed to the client. Here is a step-by-step guide on entering expenses in a project using Feng Office Software.

1. Go to Expenses and find the Project

Go to the Expenses module and search for the relevant project.

2. Select the Budget Expense

Under “Budget Expenses” choose the specific expense item you want to report on.

3. Enter the details

Enter the date, description, quantity, and cost based on the receipt. Upload the receipt file.

4. Click “Add Actual Expense”

Review the details and click the “Add Actual Expense” button to save.

5. Enter non-budgeted expenses

You can also enter expenses not tied to a budget line item. Just select “Add New Actual Expense” and fill in the details manually.

6. Add from Budget Expenses list

Expenses can also be added directly from the Budget Expenses list view. Select an item, click “Add Actual Expense” and fill in the details.

Following these steps allows you to accurately track project expenses for billing. Contact our team if you have any other questions!