====== Feng Officeのバックアップ方法 ====== This page is about how to backup your Feng Office installation manually. If you want to learn about the backup plugin that allows you to create backups from the [[administration panel]], please see the page [[backup_plugin|Backup (Plugin)]]. ===== 何をバックアップする必要があるのか? ===== * The folder where Feng Office is installed * The database being used by Feng Office ===== 必要な情報は ===== * The path to your Feng Office installation (e.g. /var/www/feng) * The database connection information used by Feng Office. You can find it in your 'config/config.php' file. * database (DB_NAME) * host (DB_HOST, usually localhost) * username (DB_USER) * password (DB_PASS) ===== Feng Officeのバックアップ方法 ===== * Create a folder where you will place the backup (e.g. /path/to/backup) mkdir /path/to/backup * Copy Feng Office's folder to the backup folder cp -R /var/www/feng /path/to/backup * Create a dump of Feng Office's database. MySQL includes a command called mysqldump. You can use that command or some other tool like phpMyAdmin or MySQL GUI Tools. Here we will see the first two: A) //mysqldump// (replace words between brackets for the correct values) mysqldump -h [host] -u [username] -p [database] > /path/to/backup/db.sql B) //phpMyAdmin// - Select Feng Office's database - Click "Export" - Select to export to "SQL" - Select to export the "Structure" as well as the "Data" - Select to "Save as file" - Click on "Go" and save the generated file to /path/to/backup/db.sql * Optionally, compress the contents of the backup folder to save some disk space. ===== バックアップの復元方法 ===== * Copy the backed up installation folder to your web server cp -R /path/to/backup/feng /var/www * Execute the backup database script (db.sql). You can do this with the mysql command, in phpMyAdmin or MySQL GUI Tools.\\ A) //mysql command// mysql -h [host] -u [user] -p [database] < /path/to/backup/db.sql B) //phpMyAdmin// - Select Feng Office's database - Click "Import" - Choose the database script created on backup (/path/to/backup/db.sql) - Click "Go"