

Tilgjengelige språk

Feng Office er tilgjengelig i en lang rekke språk, og antallet øker kontinuerlig!

Følgende språk er tilgjengelig i Feng Office-pakken:



Hver enkelt bruker kan ha ulikt språk. For å velge språk går du til: Konto → Rediger egenskaper → Generelt → Lokalisering. Velg din lokalisering og lagre, oppdater vevsiden. Hvordan velge språk


ADministrators can change system wide localization for the whole plataform at once. This way there will be no need for all users to configure their profile (as mentioned above):

  1. Open the file ”{Feng Office}/config/config.php”.
  2. Look for the following line: define('DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION', 'en_us');
  3. Change it to what you want. For example: define('DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION', 'es_es');

This will change the language for all users from English (US) to Spanish (from Spain, not LatAm).

Please note that users can override this setting selecting another language from their profile.

IMPORTANT: The new locale's name has to be the “short name” included in parenthesis in the upper part of this section, under the title “Localizations, Available Languages”.

Oversetting av Feng Office

All text that is displayed in Feng Office is stored on files in the language folder. In that folder there is one sub-folder for each localization available in Feng Office, which are named with the ISO code of the language followed by the country code (e.g. en_us for English - United States). Each of these sub-folders store a group of files that associate translation keys to translation strings. A sample pair of translation key and string on one of this files could be: <PHP>

  'hello world' => 'Hei verden!',

</PHP> The left part is the translation key, which is used on Feng Office's source code. The right part is the translation string, which is displayed on Feng Office's interface. The localization files are loaded according to the localization preferences chosen by the user. If the user selects the 'pt_br' localization on his user preferences, then the files in the 'pt_br' folder will be loaded and so all text will be displayed in Portuguese.

To translate Feng Office to your own localization you could just copy the en_us folder, rename it to your localization's name, and translate the right part of all files in that folder, but there's an easier and safer way. Feng Office includes a translation tool that will take care of all the nifty details, and allow you to focus on just translating the text. If you were to manually translate all files you would have to be careful to use UTF-8 character encoding and respect the file format, comma positions, etc, otherwise text could be wrongly displayed or it could break the interface altogether. For example, PHP translation files can have a trailing comma on the last translation string, but Javascript files should not end with a comma, or it won't work in IE. When using Feng Office's translation tool this is handled for you. To use it browse to http://feng_root/public/tools (change feng_root for your installation's root, e.g., localhost/feng) of any installation and choose Translate Feng Office. This tool can also be used to update existing translations.  Feng Office's translation tool

Når du er ferdig med å oversette Feng Office kan du dele oversettelsesfilene i Feng Office-foraene.