====== Objects Requirements Customization ====== Some users may want to add special restrictions when adding objects into Feng Office. There are several different ways to accomplish this approach. ==== Objects must not be unclassified ==== One of them being the following one: **"Objects must not be unclassified",** which may mean **they must always be added within projects or clients** In this case, we would need to do the following: - Get into the database - Look for the fo_dimensions table - Change the **is_required** value of the desired dimension (be it clients and projects, workspaces, etc.) from **0** to **1** From now on, if you try adding something when standing in **View all**, a message will appear saying you must be somewhere else before adding it. ==== A specific object must be classified somewhere ==== Now.. lets say you want **tasks to be classified in projects only**. In order to achieve this, you must do as following: - Get into the database - Look into the **fo_object_types** table and look for the desired dimension member (i.e.: projects) whose type is **dimension_object**.. and know its **id**, which we will call **dimension_member_id** not to get confused - Now look again into the **fo_object_types** table and look for the desired object type (i.e.: tasks) whose type is **content_object**.. and know its **id**, which we will call **object_type_id** not to get confused - Get into the **fo_dimension_object_type_contents** table and look for the rows that match **dimension_member_id** with **dimension_object_type_id** and then **object_type_id** with **content_object_type_id** - Once you find the rows, change the **is_required** value from **0** to **1** - Voila!!