====== Permissions by User Type (User Roles) ====== This section describes the default user permissions set by Feng Office Standard Editions: * Enterprise Edition * Professional Edition * Community Edition Unless customized for your installation, this are the default permissions for each user type. ===== Quick Summary ===== The following table summarizes the permissions set for each user type. | ^ Quick description ^ ^ Super Administrator | Can do everything | ^ Administrator | Can do everything, except managing other administrators and super administrators | ^ Manager | Can do everything on Clients, Projects and Workspaces for which administrators granted Management permissions | ^ Executive | Can work on everything, but cannot set permissions | ^ Collaborator Customer | Is a Customer that can work on data but with restricted permissions, such as not creating or assigning tasks. Can link one object to another provided that they have edit permissions to that object | ^ Internal Collaborator | Can work on data, but cannot create nor assign tasks. Can link one object to another provided that they have edit permissions to that object | ^ External Collaborator | Can work on data, but cannot create nor assign tasks. Can link one object to another provided that they have edit permissions to that object | ^ Guest Customer | Has limited access to view his/her own data. Cannot upload data. Only comments | ^ Guest | Has limited access to view his/her own data. Cannot upload data. Can't comment | ===== Detailed description ===== The following screenshots show the default permissions set for each user type and the maximum permissions allowed (CAP), grouped by module permissions, system permissions, and permissions for objects without classification. - Module Permissions: They define whether or not the user can access a specific module and the data managed under that module - System Permissions: They specify what actions a user can and cannot do on the system. - Permissions for objects without classification: They define which type of permission does the user have for objects which are not classified into a certain client, project or workspace. ===== Full Access Users (AKA "Normal users") ===== ==== Super Administrator ==== Can see and do absolutely everything. Ideal role for the business owner of the Feng Office system. {{:superadministrator.png?800|}} ==== Administrator ==== Can do everything, except managing permissions for other administrators and super administrators. {{:administrator2.png?800|}} ==== Manager ==== Can do everything on Clients, Projects and Workspaces for which administrators have granted them access. {{:manager.png?800|}} ==== Executive ==== Can work on everything she is allowed to, but cannot set permissions. This role is used for people who work on tasks, as well as for third-party resources working side by side on a project. Cannot define billing settings. {{:executive.png?800|}} ===== Collaborator Users ===== All collaborators can link one object to another provided that they have edit permissions to that object, and, in case it is a task, it is assigned to them. By default, their maximum and default permission in the Reports tab is to read (either way, they only see info they are supposed to see). ==== Collaborator Customer ==== It is a client who gets quite involved in collaborating on a project: can be assigned to tasks, complete their own tasks, modify and upload documents, and read and comment anything else we grant them permissions to. By default they cannot see other users' nor unassigned tasks, nor billing information. {{:collaborator_customer.png?800|}} ==== Internal Collaborator ==== It is a colleague of ours that does not require as many permissions as the Executive user. This kind of user can: be assigned to tasks and thus complete, log time, and comment on own tasks, modify and upload documents, and read and comment on anything else we grant them permissions to. By default they can see other users' and unassigned tasks. By default they do not see billing information. {{:internal_collaborator.png?800|}} ==== External Collaborator ==== It is an external user of the organization that does not require as many permissions as the Executive user. This kind of user can: complete, log time, and comment on own tasks, modify and upload documents, and read and comment on anything else we grant them permissions to. By default they cannot see other users' nor unassigned tasks. By default they do not see billing information. {{:external_collaborator.png?800|}} ===== Guest Users ===== Their maximum permission is Read only. The default value here is None though. ==== Guest Customer ==== It is a client with limited access to information (read-only), but who cannot modify, create, or upload data. However, they can make comments on all data they are granted access to. By default they cannot see other users' nor unassigned tasks, nor billing information. {{:guest_customer.png?800|}} ==== Guest ==== It is someone who we are sharing information with, but who cannot modify, create, or upload data. It cannot make comments. They cannot see other users' nor unassigned tasks, nor billing information. {{:guest.png?800|}} ===== Dimension Permissions ===== In Feng Office, we call dimensions to every category of information. Clients, Projects, Workspaces, People, Vendors, and Tags are all examples of dimensions. Super Administrators are the only users that can access any element (dimension member) on any dimension, regardless of the permissions that they have. Super Administrators can grant permissions to other users on any dimension and any element. Other type of users that can grant permissions (Regular Administrators, Managers) can only give access to the elements that they can manage, but not to elements out of their management reach. {{:cyppermissions.png?600|}} ===== Limits ===== Currently, User Type permissions can be override by Super Administrators. In the future, it is planned that User Types will not only set default permissions, but also limits on the access levels of each user type.