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Discontinued permissions

Company level permissions (discontinued)

Company permissions are ignored in Feng Office 1.5.x, so you can skip this section if you are using that version.

There is also a screen where you can set workspace permission for each company.

PLEASE NOTE: Whether a user can access a workspace or not is defined by the workspace permissions from the user profile (see above), not by the workspace permissions of the company the user belongs to. If you add the permission to access a certain workspace to the company, this permission is not automatically given to all users of that company; you have to add this permission manually for each user (that's what the yellow box says). This is a good thing, because it prevents you from giving permission to a user accidentally.

Nevertheless this can be a bit confusing, and you may be asking yourself what workspace permissions on the company level are good for then. Setting or removing a workspace permission on the company level has the following impacts:

Contacts permission anomaly

This section is only important if you are using an Feng Office version older than 1.5.

In Feng Office 1.5 the “Can manage contacts” permission has been renamed to “Can manage all contacts”. This permission gives you rights on all Contacts in the system, disregarding on which Workspace they lie. If a user doesn't have the “Can manage all contacts” permission set, Contacts will behave like any other Content Object for him, so he will only be able to see Contacts assigned to Workspaces on which he can “read” Contacts.

On older versions however, contacts do not act the same way as all other content objects regarding permissions. If a user has permissions to manage contacts, he can access all contacts if he clicks All in the workspace selector - not only the contacts of the workspaces he has permissions for. In other words: Assigning contacts to a workspace does not affect its visibility for other users but is only a way to organise contacts.