Feng Office Configuration

On the Administration Panel, you have a Configurations option.

See here to learn how to access the Administration Panel.

Once you click on the Configuration option, you will be presented with the following sections:

The configuration section consists of the following subsections:

The general settings apply to all users.

  • File storage: Let's you choose between storing your documents in the file system or in the database.
  • Theme: Let's you switch themes (if installed).
  • Days on trash: .
  • Checkout notification dialog: .
  • File revisions comments required: .
  • Currency: .
  • Automatically checkout when editing online: .
  • Use time in task dates: Allows managers to input due time and start time with due date and start date.
    • This options makes for a more detailed time management
    • Tasks appear in the weekly and daily calendar view with the exact time, instead of the standard view at the top of the day.

The mailing settings let you control how Feng Office is sending notification mails. These seetings are global as well. (Don't mix up these mailing seetings with the settings for individual e-mail accounts.)

Options in the mailing settings:

  • Microsoft Exchange compatibility mode: If you're using a Microsoft Exchange Server, this should help to prevent some problems.
  • Mail transport: Lets you choose the method how mails are beeing sent - by the mailing functions of PHP (requires no further configuration) or by a SMTP server (to be specified below).

In this subsection you can enable or disable each Feng Office module.

PLEASE NOTE: Disabling a module only hides it from the graphical interface. It doesn't remove permissions from users to create or edit content objects.

PLEASE NOTE: Disabling a module will hide any corresponding dashboard widget automatically.

In this subsection - introduced in Feng Office 1.4 - you can define the requirements for valid passwords chosen by the users and control some other security related features.

  • Minimum password length: Minimum number of characters required for the password.
  • Password numbers: Amount of numerical characters required for the password.
  • Password uppercase characters: Amount of uppercase characters required for the password.
  • Password metacharacters: Amount of metacharacters required for the password (e.g.: ., $, *).
  • Password expiration (days): Number of days in which a new password is valid (0 to disable this option).
  • Password expiration notification (days before): Number of days to notifify user before password expiration (0 to disable this option).
  • Block account on password expiration: Block user account when password expires (requires admin to enable user account again) - Yes/No.
  • Validate new password character difference against history: Validate that a new password differs in at least 3 characters against the last 10 passwords used by the user - Yes/No.
  • Validate password history: Validate that a new password doesn't match any of the last 10 passwords used by the user - Yes/No.
  • Block login after 5 wrong tries. If a user tries to login 5 times without success in the last 10 minutes, then the account will be blocked for 10 minutes.