Here's a little hack to allow command-line interaction with our favorite Web Office Suite. It works by executing PHP in the Unix Shell.

Ideal for narrowband on-the-road-interaction from anything that can run SSH. Like, my mobile Phone!

first little attempt only shows a somewhat formatted list of tasks, sorted by tag. To come: Creating new Tasks, marking tasks complete. If Easter then still isn't over, perhaps I'll do something for Contacts & Notes next.


PHP OGOO.PHP -u wolf -t tel -w 6

will dump all tasks for me tagged as “tel” from my private workspace…

the output looks like this:

user>id tag description text of the task (workspace name-id)

parameters: -u username -t tag (currently supports filtering for one tag only) -w workspace (must supply the workspace number. The number can be found in the dump at the end of each line.

oh, please be aware that this might pose a severe security risk. Use only if you know what you are doing. I'm absolutely not responsible.

uses a command-line parser function by Tyler Hall found here.

copy the following code as ogoo.php into your Feng Office root dir, or wherever.

''#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
$dbhost = '';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = '********'; // insert your password here
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die                      ('Error connecting to mysql');
$dbname = 'opengoo'; // insert your DB name here
$argv[0]=="ogoo" ? $nl="\n" : $nl="<br>";
$a= new Args();
$a->flag('u') ? $user = "User:".$a->flag('u') : $user="Any User" ;
$a->flag('u') ? $userfilter = "AND `og_users`.`username` = '".$a->flag('u')."'" : $userfilter="" ;
$a->flag('t') ? $tag = "Tag:". $a->flag('t') : $tag="No Tag";
$a->flag('t') ? $tagfilter = "AND `og_tags`.`tag` = '". $a->flag('t')."'" : $tagfilter="";
$a->flag('w') ? $tag = "Workspace:". $a->flag('w') : $tag="All Workspaces";
$a->flag('w') ? $wsfilter ="AND `og_projects`.`id` = ".$a->flag('w')  : $wsfilter="" ;
// parameters for Tasks
// tag=xxxx due=yyyymmdd  ws="workspace Name"
print ("connect...success".$nl);
$result=mysql_query("SELECT `og_project_tasks`.`id` AS `taskID`, `og_tags`.`tag`, `og_project_tasks`.`title`, `og_project_tasks`.`assigned_to_user_id`, `og_users`.`username`, `og_projects`.`name`, `og_projects`.`id` FROM `opengoo`.`og_tags` AS `og_tags`, `opengoo`.`og_project_tasks` AS `og_project_tasks`, `opengoo`.`og_users` AS `og_users`, `opengoo`.`og_projects` AS `og_projects` WHERE `og_tags`.`rel_object_id` = `og_project_tasks`.`id` AND `og_users`.`id` = `og_project_tasks`.`assigned_to_user_id` AND `og_project_tasks`.`project_id` = `og_projects`.`id` ".$userfilter.$tagfilter." AND `og_tags`.`rel_object_manager` = 'ProjectTasks' AND `og_project_tasks`.`trashed_by_id` = 0 AND `og_project_tasks`.`completed_by_id` = 0 ".$wsfilter." ORDER BY `og_tags`.`tag` ASC");
// store the record of the "example" table into $row
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )){
	print ($row['username'].">".$row['taskID']."\t".$row['tag']."\t".$row['title']." (".$row['name']."-".$row['id'].")".$nl);
print ($nl.$user."/".$tag."/".$i." tasks in this list.");
    // A quick and dirty command line argument parser. Written in about
    // an hour, so you might want to take this with a grain of salt or two.
    // Single letter options should be prefixed with a single
    // dash and can be grouped together. Examples:
    // cmd -a
    // cmd -ab
    // Values can be assigned to single letter options like so:
    // cmd -a foo (a will be set to foo.)
    // cmd -a foo -b (a will be set to foo.)
    // cmd -ab foo (a and b will simply be set to true. foo is only listed as an argument.)
    // You can also use the double-dash syntax. Examples:
    // cmd --value
    // cmd --value foo (value is set to foo)
    // cmd --value=foo (value is set to foo)
    // Single dash and double dash syntax may be mixed.
    // Trailing arguments are treated as such. Examples:
    // cmd -abc foo bar (foo and bar are listed as arguments)
    // cmd -a foo -b bar charlie (only bar and charlie are arguments)
    class Args
        private $flags;
        public $args;
        public function __construct()
            $this->flags = array();
            $this->args  = array();
            $argv = $GLOBALS['argv'];
            for($i = 0; $i < count($argv); $i++)
                $str = $argv[$i];
                // --foo
                if(strlen($str) > 2 && substr($str, 0, 2) == '--')
					$str = substr($str, 2);
                    $parts = explode('=', $str);
                    $this->flags[$parts[0]] = true;
                    // Does not have an =, so choose the next arg as its value
                    if(count($parts) == 1 && isset($argv[$i + 1]) && preg_match('/^--?.+/', $argv[$i + 1]) == 0)
                        $this->flags[$parts[0]] = $argv[$i + 1];
                    elseif(count($parts) == 2) // Has a =, so pick the second piece
                        $this->flags[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
                elseif(strlen($str) == 2 && $str[0] == '-') // -a
                    $this->flags[$str[1]] = true;
                    if(isset($argv[$i + 1]) && preg_match('/^--?.+/', $argv[$i + 1]) == 0)
                        $this->flags[$str[1]] = $argv[$i + 1];
                elseif(strlen($str) > 1 && $str[0] == '-') // -abcdef
                    for($j = 1; $j < strlen($str); $j++)
                        $this->flags[$str[$j]] = true;
            for($i = count($argv) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
                if(preg_match('/^--?.+/', $argv[$i]) == 0)
                    $this->args[] = $argv[$i];
            $this->args = array_reverse($this->args);
        public function flag($name)
            return isset($this->flags[$name]) ? $this->flags[$name] : false;

by — max wolf 2009-04-17 15:49