× Table of Contents 评论 使用评论 对象类型 评论 评论就是如您所知道的博客那样,文章下边有一个您可以输入信息的表单,以便对该文反表评论。评论通常是实时发布的,这样,其他读者(或作者)就可以阅读并回复了。 使用评论 Reading and writing comments takes place in the detail view. Below the information itself you can see existing comments as well as a form for new comments. You can see the name and the photo (if available) of the author of each comment. For your own comments you have the possibility to edit or even delete the comment at any time, and you can link the comment to another object (see Linking objects). As soon as you publish a comment you are automatically subscribed to this object. This means that you will get notifications about additional comments. 对象类型 在Feng Office中,您可以评论以下对象: 笔记 事件 任务里程碑 任务 文档 Log In