× Table of Contents 使用工作区 工作区模块介绍 选择工作区 仪表盘上与工作区相关的信息 列表视图中与工作区相关的信息 编辑工作区 移动工作区 删除工作区 个人工作区 指派对象到工作区 单个工作区对象 多个工作区对象 默认工作区 回收站工作区 使用工作区 Workspaces are a very powerful and flexible concept of Feng Office for organizing information and controlling user rights. On the other hand, workspaces are not easy to understand for everybody, so make sure you know how to make use of this feature. 工作区是一个非常强大且灵活的FengOffice概念,它用来组织信息并控制用户权限范围。然而,工作区并非能够为每个人所理解(译注:特别是新手们),因此,请确保您知道如何使用这一特性。 工作区模块介绍 Basically all information in Feng Office is organized in workspaces. Other collaboration software have projects or folders to organize information; workspaces are similar, but not the same. Here are some facts about workspaces: 基本上,FengOffice里的所有信息都是用“工作区”来组织的。其他协作软件用“项目”或“文件夹”,“工作区“与之类似,但并不相同。下面是一些关于工作区的内容: writing jobs 选择工作区 选择一个工作区最明显的办法是打开左侧边栏点击一个工作区。只要你不隐藏你的侧边栏,这是首选的方案。 如果你隐藏了侧边栏,那么你有两种办法: 1. 点击侧边栏的箭头下方区域,临时打开侧边栏;一旦你把鼠标指针移出了侧边栏范围,侧边栏会自动消失。 If your left sidebar is hidden, then you have two possibilities: 1. Click somewhere below the arrow button in the sidebar. This will open the left sidebar only temporarily; as soon as you move your mouse pointer outside the sidebar, it will disappear automatically. 2. Move your mouse over the workspace title in the upper left of your screen. This will bring up a slider with all workspaces that are one level below the current workspace. If you are not on the top level of the workspace hierarchy (All), then you will see the path of the current workspace. We call this the workspace breadcrumb: The workspace breadcrumb works very similar to a traditional breadcrumb navigation, so clicking on a workspace within the path takes you there immediately. 仪表盘上与工作区相关的信息 On the dashboard (Overview tab) you not only see the name of the current workspace (Client A in this example) but usually a description of the workspace as well. 列表视图中与工作区相关的信息 In list views there is no workspace title. But for every item in the list you can see the workspace it belongs to (right at the beginning of each line, in the color of the respective workspace). 编辑工作区 There are two ways how you can edit the workspace properties. The most common way is to select a workspace in the left sidebar and then click on the properties icon on the top: If you are an administrator you can go to the administration panel. There you get an hierarchical list with all workspaces in your Feng Office installation that lets you edit or delete any workspace: 移动工作区 Since workspaces are hierarchical, every workspace has its Parent Workspace. By changing this setting you can move a workspace to another position in the worspace hierarchy. When doing so Feng Office will ask you: Do you want to inherit all permissions from parent workspace? Click OK to inherit the permissions from the new parent workspace, or click Cancel if you want to keep only the existing permissions for your workspace. 删除工作区 Workspaces can be deleted either on the Edit Workspace screen (there you can delete only that specific workspace) or in the Workspaces section of the administration panel (if you are an administrator). 个人工作区 Feng Office creates automatically a personal workspace for every user. As long as the default settings are not changed objects in this workspace are only visible to its owner. 指派对象到工作区 At the beginning we told you that all information in Feng Office is organised in workspaces. But once more workspaces are not as simple as folders: Most information types can belong to more than one workspace at once - only a few information types can only be assigned to one single workspace at a time. 单个工作区对象 When you are editing a single workspace object, the first thing you see is the current workspace (msauter_personal in this example): Clicking on the current workspace brings up the workspace tree from the left side panel that lets you select another workspace (but only one): The following object types are single workspace objects: Milestones Tasks 多个工作区对象 When you are editing a multiple workspace object, you will see the workspace tree very much like in the left sidebar (including the filtering option), but with a checkbox in front of each workspace. This lets you assign as many workspaces as you like for that object. 默认工作区 If you do not explicitly change it, objects are allocated to the current workspace by default. If you set the workspace selector to All then a new object is allocated to your personal workspace by default. 回收站工作区 回收站是一种特殊的工作区,它用来存放已被删除的(或更确切地说:是被放入回收站的)对象。 Log In