× Innholdsfortegnelse Konsepter i Feng Office Informasjonstyper Kommentering på objekter Abonnement på objekter Lenking av objekter Søk Organisering og filtrering av informasjon Beskytt informasjonen Lag rapporter Konsepter i Feng Office På denne siden beskriver vi konseptene bak Feng Office. Forståelse av disse konseptene er viktig for å forstå hele applikasjonen, så vær sikker på at du leser denne siden før resten av manualen. Informasjonstyper Det er mange forskjellige informasjonstyper i Feng Office, for eksempel: Notater E-poster Kontakter (addresses of people and of the companies/organisations they belong to) Dokumenter (i.e. word files, presentations, PDF files, images) Oppgaver og milepæler Arrangement Vevlenker Tidsplaner for oppgaver Når vi snakker om disse informasjonstypene referer vi ofte bare til dem som innholdsobjekter eller enklere objekter. Kommentering på objekter Many information types allow you to add a comment. This is the most simple way to communicate in Feng Office. Your comment will be attached to the content object, other users can read it (and reply, if they like). Comments in Feng Office work very much like comments in blogs. Les mer om kommentering på objekter. Abonnement på objekter Subscribing to an object means that you will get an e-mail notification for every comment made on that specific object in the future. This is very handy if you want to observe a certain object or if you simply want to follow an ongoing discussion. Les mer om abonnement på objekter. Lenking av objekter Information is often interdependent. For example, to fulfill a task you may need certain documents. Or you have a message that relates to a specific event. Feng Office makes it easy to show related information by linking content objects. Linking is a universal concept in Feng Office, you can link any type of content objects. Les mer om lenkede objekter. Søk There is a full text search in Feng Office allowing you to search with in all information stored in your Feng Office installation, no matter what type. The results are presented in a way that you instantly know where they were found (what information type they are). Les mer om søk. Organisering og filtrering av informasjon The more information you have, the more important are tools to organise your information. Feng Office offers two concepts for that purpose: workspaces and tagging. Workspaces are similar to folders, where you store your information in a hierarchical structure. Tags on the other hand help you to indicate that certain content objects belong to a certain topic. By filtering your information by workspace and/or by tag you will quickly find what you are looking for. Workspaces and tags are universal concepts of Feng Office as well, which means that you can use them regardless of the type of information you are dealing with. Les mer om arbeidsområder og stikkord. Beskytt informasjonen Information you store in Feng Office is usually not public, and you often have some information that is more confidential than some other information. Therefore every user of Feng Office has an individual login, and every content object can be assigned to a limited group of users. Les mer om brukerrettigheter. Lag rapporter Feng Office offers a powerful reporting tool to create and store custom reports. Simply choose the object type plus the data fields (or columns) to display and add as many filters as needed to generate a list of your data that suits best your needs. Les mer om rapporter. Logg inn